Sunday 18 November 2012

Headache Helpers...


Firstly, i have an apology to make which is related to the subject of this post. I'm sorry I had such a big break between my last post and now but I had a few days where I had really bad headaches and being on the computer always seems to make them worse so i had to have a little while off until I was sure it wouldn't hurt my head or eyes to look at a computer screen. Thankfully today seems to be that day so I'm back! 

I get headaches or migraines quite a lot, usually for about a week at a time then they die down again for a few weeks and I'm fine. The problem is because of my emetophobia I find it impossible to take painkillers in a tablet form and it's very difficult for me to take medicine of any kind. I'm nearly 22 now and from the age of about 14 until earlier this year I didn't take any kind of medication for anything. Finally this year I was able to manage soluble paracetemol but only when it's mixed with water and juice and it takes me ages to sip it slowly. So because of this I had to start finding other ways to help when I was in pain. The following are my top three things that I reach for whenever I feel a headache coming on!

4Head Stick
(picture from the 4Head Website linked above) 
This was the first non-tablet sort of headache relief that I came across and it's simply a little twisty up stick that you rub across your forehead and it somehow stops the headache. I like this 'coz it's easy to carry about with you because it's small and has a lid on it- I always had one in my schoolbag- and it's quick. I think it works by using menthol type ingedients to numb your head although the downside of this is do not under any circumstances get it in your eyes or ears. If you apply it and then touch your head with your hand, it transfers really easily and it's easy to accidentally rub your eye or whatever and it stings! Also do not put water or anything cold near your head when you have this on either, it's not worth the pain! It's about £4 or £5 which sounds kinda expensive compared to how cheaply some tablets are sold for but I think it lasts for much longer than a packet of tablets would so it evens out to about the same really. 

Kool 'n' Soothe For Migraines Cooling Strips
(picture taken from the Kool 'n' Soothe Website linked above)
This is my favourite product for using in the house because, quite frankly, you look ridiculous when you have it on but it works which is all that matters to me! Once when I was wearing one of these my Godson came in and he gasped, asking me what had happened to me because he thought I had a bandage on my head. It's a white, soft sort of material on the outside and then the side that you stick to your head is a blue gel that is freezing cold and they last for about 8 hours before they dry out. They don't stick to hair, clothing or wet skin and they're (as the name might suggest) really soothing and nice to have on. They come in a box of 4 with two each in a paper packet. They have to be used as soon as they're opened or they dry out but if you keep the spare in the packet folded over twice it seems to be alright. I've since seen a few rip offs of this product in cheap chemists or pound shops, which sounds good because these can be quite pricey, but they simply don't match up to the original. I'm sure they can be bought in most chemists and some supermarkets but I can't remember how much exactly they are. However there is more than one in the packet so they usually last for a while, unless you have a really bad headache and use the whole box in a few days, which I have previously! 

Tiger Balm White Ointment
(The White Ointment inside)

(The box and pot)

This is my latest discovery and probably now my favourite of the three. I heard about this through one of my best friends Marion and she told me about it knowing how bad my headaches had been at the time. It's sort of similar to the 4Head Stick except you have to apply the oitment with your fingers which can be a bit messy and you have to remember to wash your hands straight away but I find it works better for me than the stick now. It smells really mentholly again, it sort of reminds me of something you would use when you have a cold like Vicks but I love those sorts of smells. It says you should apply it at half hour to hour intervals until the headache goes but it seems to sort me out after only one application which is amazing. It can also be used in the same sort of way as the original Red Tiger Balm which is for muscular aches and pain I think, sort of like Deep Heat. It's a proper little wonder product for me and although it seems quite a small pot, a little goes a long way with it although I am guilty of piling it on just because I love the smell of it. It tingles and it just feels like it's working which sounds a bit lame but I love that about it. Again its £4.70 from the link above with free P&P but I think it's totally worth this price and lasts for ages anyways. 

I hope that if you suffer from headaches but don't like to take tablets either that this post has helped you find something that might make it better. Has anyone got anymore headache cures like these? Or ways to get around taking traditional painkillers? 

Thanks for reading


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